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Friday 2 December 2011

Info Post

Happy Friday everyone.  I wanted to share the before and after of the large coffee table I shared with you in an earlier post. Here is the before.


It was solid but the top was a mess and I saved it from going to the garbage bin.

The top was a challenge but I think I achieved a really nice look what do you think?


I have been wanting to try the Union Jack on something and this just seemed the perfect piece to for it.  I painted it ASCP “Old White” then taped off the flag and painted it using  ASCP “Emperor’s Silk” and since I did not have the colors in Annie Sloan Chalk Paint to mix and achieve the blue I needed I picked up some Better Homes “Nautical Blue” for the blue areas.


I then antiqued it with an “Expresso” glaze.  I applied a coat of ASCP clear wax and distressed it then brushed on a coat of dark and clear wax mixed. I wanted to achieve a very worn look as if the table had been in an pub or old farm house for a long time.


My granddaughter came in after school and said “Oh Nonnie, you made it look old and it was so perfect!” lol she does not understand why I want things to look old.


I’m very tempted to keep this one as the colors go so well in my den.  Hmmm…

Anyway hope I have inspired you to get out your paint brush and try something new.  Have a great weekend.

I'm sharing with these lovely ladies.

French Country Cottage

shabby creek cottage


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