Breaking News
Saturday 31 December 2011

Info Post
Though some of us have already reached 2012, many of us are anxiously awaiting the New Year. This turning point represents a fresh start. I'm sure you're familiar with the idea of making New Year's Resolutions; it's a wonderful tradition that supports and motivates people to make new goals and stick to them and to make important changes in their lives. It's difficult to remember the list you made throughout the year, but these ideas will always be lurking in the back of your mind, pushing you to be a better and happier person.
I, like most others, will be making my own set of resolutions tonight, but in the meantime I thought I would also compile a list of Fashion Resolutions - the title is self-explanatory.

1. I will work hard on Girl Loves Color, improving my blogging skills and making the site even better. I want to continue blogging regularly throughout 2012, even more often than I have in 2011. I will continue to be innovative and true to myself on my blog.

2. I will limit my shopping ventures to items I really need and will wear often. I will save splurges for special occasions and for the rare item that really calls to me. I will continue to colorize my wardrobe.

3. I will put together my outfits with care, but I will not second-guess my instincts when walking out of the house. I will be confident in my clothing.

4. I will regularly go through my collection of garments, accessories, and shoes and determine what I rarely wear. I will donate these items or give them to friends.

5. I will be innovative in the use of my fashion-related possessions, wearing things in different ways to maximize my options, so I don't have to buy so many new things.

6. I will continue to add dashes of color into every outfit, and I will encourage others to do the same.

What are your New Year's resolutions? What are your Fashion Resolutions? If you have any of the latter - or even none at all - I encourage you to add my #6 to your list. After all, a little color always cheers up any outfit.

I wish you a happy and healthy New Year and all the best for you, your family, and your friends.



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