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Monday 6 August 2012

Info Post
Totally Transformed
Hello all my blogger friends! I certainly hope your week has started out wonderful! 

Mine has started out terrible! lol I picked up a virus on my new laptop and it wiped out everything on it. :-( It is now at the hospital with The Geek Squad and I sure hope they can salvage something. I am trying to work on my old CPU and she is terribly slow, tired, overloaded, & cranky sort of like me! Keeping all that in mind I will keep it short and sweet today.

Your favorite link last week was..."Raised on Country Sunshine" at Simply Vintageous. She shared her beautiful china hutch redo. Gorgeous job Susan!

Grab a featured button Susan!

Totally Transformed

Totally Transformed
I promise to have more features next week. Now on to the party! Be sure to link back to me if you want to be featured and mingle at the party. Don't be a wall flower go visit a couple of fellow bloggers! Have a good time! :-)

I can't wait to see what you've been up to we really do want to see! 

Update! I'm sorry,  I've been trying to reply to all my comments and leave comments at all of your link-ups I'm visiting but Blogger won't let me! Now I'm going from cranky to just pure grumpy! :-) Just know I appreciate and look at everyone of your post. I also share some on FB and Pinterest. Please spread the word.  Thanks.


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