I have enjoyed doing counted cross stitch for years and had the pleasure of sharing this hobby with my mother while she lived. She requested that I teach her and she ended up teaching me more than I could have ever taught her. Mother's work was perfection ever stitch had the exact same tension like they had been done by a machine. I still strive to come even close in matching the beauty of her work.
The piece I am sharing with you I recently finished and for the lack of anywhere else to put it I hung it over my bed. Now I just recently decorated my bedroom in yellows and blues and as you will see this picture is in rich reds, purples, and golds so it doesn't match really well but I just enjoy looking at it and decided it was my bedroom if I wanted it in there I'd put it in there! lol
I love cross stitching people! Especially Victorian images but this lovely Roman styled beauty really caught my eye. She took me several months in my spare time to finish. I have done others as large but given them away as gifts this one I decided to keep for awhile.
Look at that expression very haughty. Notice the gold edging that goes around entire image. There was a lot of gold thread in this one and it is sort of difficult to work with as it wanted to shred if you have to take any back out and believe me sometimes I felt like I took out more than I put in. :-)
Doing needlework is a great way to add quality inexpensive art to your home and they make great heirloom pieces to hand down through your family.
It's also fun! Because I spent so much time on my haughty Roman I decided not to frame her myself so I carried her to Hobby Lobby while they were having a half price sale. I chose a hammered, old gold finished frame with a two layered matting in various creams and a maroon velvet.
The last couple of years counted cross stitch has been out paced by scrap booking as a favorite hobby but I hope it comes back in popularity soon as it is such a calming and rewarding hobby.
It is also a great way to decorate your home on a budget by making pictures, pillows, bedspreads, tablecloths, etc... If you have never tried counted cross stitch give it a try it is easy to learn and very rewarding.
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